Year 6 boys are able to take full advantage of the opportunities that our College provides. They spend 50% of their learning time in Primary, developing their learning and leadership skills in familiar surroundings, and the other 50% of their learning utilising the specialist facilities and staff at the secondary school – from science in the labs to art and design technology in the studios and workshops. Our boys enjoy excellent opportunities to extend their skills, and Year 6 acts as a great springboard into learning Key Stage 3 learning from Year 7 onwards – the best of both worlds!
We look after two Year 6 classes which benefit from having classroom bases both on the primary and secondary sites. A specialist learning support assistant accompanies each class while attending secondary lessons, helping with organisation and learning and ensuring that the transition to secondary school teaching and learning remains seamless.
The opportunities available to our Year 6 students, including our summer term French residential trip; involvement in the inter-school De Putron challenge; involvement in a wide variety of extra-curricular events and clubs; participation in the school choir, to name but a few, provide an enriching and forward-looking end to their primary school experience.
We are proud of the very unique experience we can offer our Year 6 students. The blend of secondary and primary expertise ensures learning across Key Stages 2 and 3 is a smooth continuum while maintaining an inspiring and well-resourced environment to produce the best possible outcomes, both academically and in terms of spiritual development.
If you are interested in your son joining the College in Year 6, please don’t hesitate to find out more by contacting our Admissions Officer by emailing or by telephoning directly on 754114 or book a tour of the school at the button below.
Our sons have both attended Year 6. They have loved the opportunities to learn on the secondary site, and we cannot speak highly enough about the teaching and the care throughout. Moving into Year 7 was so easy for them, and they are still loving it!
Join us for a private tour to find out more about our fantastic teaching and learning.